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Jolly Web Consulting

Jolly Web Consulting

Your Outdoor Market, Our Digital Expertise

Boulder, Colorado, United States

Fort Collins, Colorado, United States



At Jolly Web Consulting, we specialize in helping outdoor and sports retailers thrive in the digital landscape with personalized web design, robust SEO, and dynamic email marketing. Based in the heart of Boulder, Colorado, we begin our process with a comprehensive assessment of your online presence and business objectives. This thorough understanding allows us to craft strategies that are precisely tailored to propel your brand forward.

Our approach is built on three core principles: communication, playfulness, and results. We believe in maintaining open and continuous communication, ensuring you are informed and involved at every step. Our team injects a spirit of playfulness into our projects, making the journey enjoyable and creative while focusing on serious outcomes. This blend of fun and functionality is designed to keep your audience engaged and returning for more.

We employ the latest tools and techniques in digital marketing to deliver solid SEO that elevates your visibility and drives traffic. Our bespoke website designs are not only visually appealing but optimized for user experience and conversion, ensuring they serve as a valuable tool for business growth. Our email campaigns are lively and crafted to resonate with your audience, turning casual browsers into loyal customers.

Even your family members will notice the difference of your own attitude when working with us. "I understand now why it's Jolly Web; I've never seen my dad happier with his business" - Heidi Kloser, American Freestyle Mogul Skier and Olympian, on her father's business -OutThere USA.

At Jolly Web Consulting, we're your partners in growth. We commit to ethical business practices and transparent strategies that deliver measurable results. Together, we'll ensure that your digital presence is as vibrant and enduring as the outdoor experiences you offer.

Storlek på kundens företag
Budget per project
$2,500 - $25,000+
Project duration
  • 3-6 months
  • More than 6 months
Geografiskt fokus
  • United States
  • Engelska


OutThere faced challenges with low website impressions and usability issues on their old Magento 2 platform, making it tough for customers and the client to manage updates and navigate the site effectively.


We switched OutThere to a more user-friendly Shopify platform, developed a custom website tailored to their needs, and overhauled their stock management, product images, and email marketing strategies.


Since launching the new site in February, OutThere has seen their reach and sales double. Moreover, Mike and his family have noted a marked increase in his happiness and satisfaction with the business's online performance.


Brewster Belt's email sales were stuck at $800/month due to poorly targeted campaigns and weak SEO integration, leading to low engagement and conversion rates. Their existing email campaigns lacked effective targeting and SEO integration, resulting in low engagement and conversion rates.


We revamped Brewster Belt's SEO and email strategies using Mailchimp, capturing more emails and crafting targeted, high-converting campaigns, including abandoned cart follow-ups. This approach targeted specific audience segments, significantly boosting engagement.


By refining Brewster Belt's SEO and email tactics, monthly sales from email campaigns soared, increasing from $800 to an average of $2200. This strategic enhancement significantly boosted their revenue and proved the value of targeted digital marketing.

Våra kunder
Boulder, Colorado, United States: Byrån Jolly Web Consulting hjälpte Choice City Physical Therapy att få sin verksamhet att växa med SEO och digital marknadsföring
Boulder, Colorado, United States: Byrån Jolly Web Consulting hjälpte Stretch Lab att få sin verksamhet att växa med SEO och digital marknadsföring
Boulder, Colorado, United States: Byrån Jolly Web Consulting hjälpte TRX att få sin verksamhet att växa med SEO och digital marknadsföring
Boulder, Colorado, United States: Byrån Jolly Web Consulting hjälpte Pathway Plaques att få sin verksamhet att växa med SEO och digital marknadsföring
Boulder, Colorado, United States: Byrån Jolly Web Consulting hjälpte OutThere att få sin verksamhet att växa med SEO och digital marknadsföring
Boulder, Colorado, United States: Byrån Jolly Web Consulting hjälpte Brewster Belt att få sin verksamhet att växa med SEO och digital marknadsföring


genomsnittligt betyg baserat på Google-recensioner
Chris Cox
Apr 26, 2024

Truly Amazing Services! If your in need of web design, re-design or SEO services, look no further than Jolly Web Consulting. Lots of agencies claim to be the best, but fall short. Jolly Web IS the Best. I was amazed at how quickly they grasped my vision and they have certainly delivered on what they said. After working with other agencies, the level of passion and integrity is clearly the focus at Jolly Web. If your looking for these services, do yourself a favor and at least give them a call and start a conversation. You will be happy that you did.

Heidi Kloser
Apr 18, 2024

I met Hayden through some mutual friends and I found out that he had a web consulting company. I was really encouraged by this as he seemed like a fun and creative guy and my dad had a website for his company that needed revamping and management. I was also kind of getting sick of hearing my dad complain about his old website and how difficult it was to get help making changes. My dad also kept asking me how to do the stuff for his website and it was not within my skill set to do. Since he started working with Hayden I have gotten a break from my inadequate job as tech support and my dad has had a much better experience and a total website upgrade. I think that Hayden aptly named his company Jolly Web Consulting as we are both truly jolly from his great work.

James Lieberman
Nov 7, 2023

I hired Hayden Anderson of Jolly Web Consulting to build a website for my consulting company. The reason I selected his company: 1) The company was local and I could meet face to face with Hayden and knew that he was real. 2) He could speak my language, I’m not totally tech ignorant, but web sites are evolving so quickly that I knew that I didn’t even know the exact questions to ask to get the best results. Rather I knew what types of results that I wanted and Hayden knew the right questions to ask me. 3) Their services were cost effective. 4) Hayden was flexible and would allow me to have chats instead of endless emails. 5) We could work together in a sequential fashion to improve the site. 6) I feel that the results were excellent. Jim Lieberman Environmental Information Services, Inc.

Michael White
Apr 29, 2023

Hayden with Jolly Web Consulting is an incredible company to work with. Not only do they stay within your budget they listen to the scope of your project and they find a way to exceed it, all while making is easier to navigate. They take any project we've involved them with to the next level, in design, application and execution. Then to top it off they finish ahead of the deadline. Which is kind of a miracle in this industry. I highly recommend Jolly Web for any project you are ready to begin.

More Mobile Yoga
Dec 23, 2022

Jolly Web did a great job creating an improved landing page experience for my coaching business website. Hayden and team take a customer-centric approach. They make it easy for your brand to connect with your audience using better visual design, quality written copy and scalable digital infrastructure.

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