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Digital PR for SEO

United States



PureLinq is a digital PR for SEO services agency that provides an alternative to link building, which improves reputation and link profile.

Turn your expertise, user stories, product releases, and unique research into links and mentions from press coverage, podcast appearances, and blogs.

Reactive PR:  This involves closely monitoring media trends and strategically interjecting your brand into the media's coverage of topics that align with your expertise and brand identity. By doing so, we not only increase your brand's visibility but also position it as a relevant and authoritative voice in your industry.

Data Campaign: We delve into unique data to uncover insights that are not only valuable to your brand but also to journalists. By providing them with this data, we enhance their stories, which in turn creates a mutually beneficial relationship.

Expert Contributor/Commentary: This involves leveraging your in-house expertise to create insightful commentary or thought leadership pieces. These contributions are not just about sharing knowledge; they are about shaping conversations in your industry and establishing your brand as a thought leader.

At PureLinq, we understand that each brand has its unique story and value proposition. Our tailored strategies are designed to highlight these aspects, ensuring a strong reputation with Google and other search engines.

Storlek på kundens företag
Budget per project
$2,500 - $25,000+
Geografiskt fokus
  • United States
  • Engelska

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