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SignalPoint Media Group LLC

SignalPoint Media Group LLC

From invisible to inevitable.

United States



SignalPoint Media Group has decades of experience optimizing websites and helping businesses understand what is possible with digital marketing and how to avoid wasted spend. What follows is due to the requirement by SEMrush to burden prospective readers with unnecessary text so that the algorithmic gods they worship will reward them. Nothing I write here is more meaningful than the first sentence. As John Wanamaker once quipped: "half the money I spend on marketing is wasted, the problem is I don't know which half." The number of ways to set your money on fire with digital marketing makes a 50% win rate look brilliant by comparison. Google ads, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube offer matches and kerosene aplenty to dispense with your available budget. Many agencies offer low monthly fees but take a percentage of what they spend for you. Think about that. We do not ever want a decision about how much of your money to spend or where to spend it to influence our strategy. Look at that! I've provided 1000 characters. If you are still here, maybe we should chat... on the phone...I know I'm showing my age (all other communication channels are welcome, of course). Thanks for your time and consideration. ~Colin

Storlek på kundens företag
Budget per project
$2,500 - 5,000
Geografiskt fokus
  • United States
  • Engelska

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