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Fullständigt namn
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Skynet Technologies
Independence, Kentucky, United States
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Vi levererar kompletta IT-tjänster inklusive webbdesign och utveckling, e-handel, digital transformation, SEO och digital marknadsföring, ADA-lösning för sanering av webbplatstillgänglighet, mobilapp, CRM, ERP, anpassad analys, anpassad mjukvaruutveckling och applikationsutveckling. Med över 22 års erfarenhet och ett kundförst-tillvägagångssätt vet vi hur man skapar vackra, högpresterande webbplatser och applikationer med branschstandard, som stärker företag över hela världen. Vi levererar våra tjänster till nystartade företag, små och medelstora företag, företag, myndigheter och myndigheter. Vårt huvudkontor ligger också i Independence, Kentucky och vi har andra kontor i USA (Nevada, Florida), Indien och Australien. Vi är en ledande digital marknadsföringsbyrå som hjälper små till medelstora företag och kreativa entreprenörer att odla sina varumärken i världsklass online. Gå ett steg före med våra digitala transformationstjänster inklusive webbdesign för UI/UX, digital marknadsföring, sökmotoroptimering, PPC, marknadsföring i sociala medier, innehållsmarknadsföring, e-postmarknadsföring och mer. Låt oss bli anslutna för att veta hur vi kan förändra ditt företag!
Storlek på kundens företag
Budget per projekt
Med start från $2,500
Projektets varaktighet
Med start från 3-6 months
Geografiskt fokus
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom
Working with Skynet has been a pleasure I have worked with Rajesh on his team for over a decade and their work product is professional and high quality. I hired them to build and support complex websites with various integrations, and Skynet always went above and beyond to stay in budget and to meet deadlines. I highly recommend them.
I think its true to say I was extremely sceptical when I approached Skynet, as my experience with similar type of companies has been negative to say the least, but having been left in a impossible position by one of my own developers mid project and on the back of a recommendation from Aimeos, I approached Raj and his team at Skynet. I have to say I should not have been worried, Raj and his team have been nothing but supportive, taking on someone's code mid project is never easy and in this case was definitely challenging at times, but every time they've come up with a solution and again which is very rare everything they've deployed has been tested and works first time. Communication has been easy and I have been kept well informed all stages. I would have no hesitation in recommending anybody to work with Raj and his team at Skynet and I'm looking forward to exploring more projects with them in the future
We have completed several projects with the Skynet Team for our eCommerce platform over the past year. You can see their latest work at our new eCommerce platform for our Motorcycle parts business, kurveygirl.com The Skynet team has gone the extra mile to complete every part of the project. When their are challenges, Skynet rises to the occasion and develops solutions with excellent communication. From simple website management, system security (https), upgrading website code to the latest PHP, to replatforming a complex ecommerce website, they have taken on every task with professionalism. It is a breeze to post tickets to their program site and the turn around time exceeds our expectations. Their communication on the status of programs has been excellent. After working with other developers over the years, Skynet has been the best development team we have worked with. We recommend them for most any website project.
They did a fantastic job upgrading my very outdated drupal 6 e-commerce website up to drupal 7 ecommerce website. This was not an easy project as the ecommerce module I had built the website on, had been abandoned, forcing us to switch to a new ecommerce module and for a lot of the website's architecture to change. They did a great job upgrading and migrating the site to drupal 7 and managed to keep the website performing just as it had before and with improvements. They were very organized and I plan on working with them again in the near future on some more projects. During testing they were always responsive to fixing bugs I discovered. Once the new upgraded website went live I have had almost zero issues because they were patient during the testing phase. The next step for our website is to merge the old commerce sales data into the new tables provided by the commerce module we are now using. I'm looking forward to working with them again. UPDATE: 8-3-22: Phase two is now complete and I'm happy to report everything is working as desired. I'm very happy with the results and I plan on continuing to work with them on an ongoing basis.
They provided us excellent service with our website. They were easy to work with, extremely responsive and completed our project within the needed time frame. We'd definitely recommend them to companies of any size.
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