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LR Data Science

LR Data Science

Setting your Organization to sell Online

Chicago, Illinois, United States



At LR Data Science, we run quick audits on organizations wanting to get their share of the booming Online Market. We call this session an eCommerce Audit. The 2 deliverables of this 3 hours session are: 1. a Heatmap showing the organization readiness to ensure smooth and scalable online sales; 2. a Online Sales Marketing Plan including a detailed assessment and a remediation plan. Once these deliverables are in place, the LR Data Science Team assist the Client in implementing the remediation and all leverage to higher Online Revenues.
Budget per project
$1,000 - $25,000+
Geografiskt fokus
  • Israel
  • United States
  • Belgium
  • Engelska
  • Franska

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Byråer i Chicago, Illinois, United States